Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rubikcubism making art out of Rubik cubes

While I still struggle in solving the rubik cube puzzle, these guys are already creating art out of it. By having the side of the rubik cube in certain color pattern and putting them together they manage to create a some what pixelated picture.

Brought to you by those guys behind the space invaders street art.

Rubikcubism. Simply awesome.

Scientists create remote control pigeon

Scientists take control of a pigeon's brain thus have manage to create a remote control pigeon. Based on this Times Online report, Chinese scientists have succeeded in implanting electrodes in the brain of a pigeon. With this brain implant, the scientists could control the bird's flight remotely.

The scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center at Shandong University of Science and Technology in eastern China used micro-electrodes to command the bird to fly right or left and up or down.

While a bird's brain might be easy to take control of, there is not mention if this studies will lead to human brain control.

On the other hand Sony did have a patent of a device that creates "sensory experiences" somewhat of a mind control device that doesn't require implants.

Self Standing Umbrella and a light bulb light bulb

100per has some very creative products. Two of my favorite from the designer, Hironao Tsuboi.

First of is the ultra cool standing umbrella. What a neat idea. Don't need to put the umbrella in a container for lean it against a wall or something. Just let it stand.

Another cool creation is the light bulb looks like a light bulb Hironao Tsuboi decided to change the focus of the light bulb from the light it produce to the bulb itself. The light bulb is designed in a way that it looks as if it is not inserted correctly.

Cool stuff.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sexy toys for children got Tesco in trouble

The Daily Mail reports that parents were up in arms regarding the little sexy toy that were selling in Tesco outlets. The Peekaboo dance pole marketed to young girls comprises a chrome pole extensible to 8ft 6", a 'sexy dance garter', some Peekaboo dance dollars and a DVD demonstrating suggestive dance moves.

The kit is being advertise with words like, "Unleash the sex kitten inside... simply extend the Peekaboo pole inside the tube, slip on the sexy tunes and away your go!"

"Soon you'll be flaunting it to the world ans earning a fortune in Peekaboo Dance Dollars!"

You know parents are furious, just look at the picture of the Gallimore family, that is one furious family.

Now if the kit come with an adult size, it might just be a great present for your girlfriend, for valentine's day, anniversary or just any accuse to get your girlfriend dance with a pole while throwing fake Peekaboo money.

More worst sexy toys for kids over at Alpha Mummy

It came from the web

I am the web drifter. I drift the web for interesting, funny, or just down right weird websites. Here on this blog are my findings.

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